Questionnaires from the Self-Nominated Candidates for the May 2020 Caucus Elections
Candidates are listed by position in the order their questionnaires were received.
CO-CHAIR (2 co-chairs)
Zachary Looney
Why are you a member of the Green Party?
There is no other party in the United States as prepared to receive for the monumental increase in leftists/socialists. As thousands of young people enter adulthood and embrace some form of ecosocialism, our party is the only one that allows them a safe place to advocate for their beliefs without being stifled by corporate interests and political elites. There is much work to be done in order to position ourselves as a legitimate threat to the current political status quo. I'm here to help join the fight to get that work done.
Why would you be good for the role you are running for?
I served as a member of the YES Steering Committee for several years (circa 2015-2018). Along with some great comrades, we were able to radically overhaul the organization of YGUS, oversee the groups transition from YGUS to YES, attend the DSA National Convention, and so much more. I believe my experience with this body's functioning would allow me to step in as a productive member right away.
What ideas do you have to bring to that position?
There are a number of ideas that I have for the position that are informed by my prior years of service on the Steering Committee. Chief among these ideas are the continued push to establish a more radical ecosocialist platform, increase professional appearance of YES, and improve our organizations financial stewardship.
What is the level of time commitment you are able to offer to this position?
10-15 hrs/week is reasonable. From past experience I know some weeks will require more and I'm willing to accommodate those needs.
Jay Ting Walker
Why are you a member of the Green Party, and why did you join the Youth Caucus?
I am a member of the Green Party because the platform matches my personal policy preferences. I also recognize that the major party options are structured in a way that will always be in opposition to what I believe in. I joined the Youth Caucus because I enjoy engaging with other young members of the party. I also think our caucus has some of the best organizers in our entire party.
When did you become a member of the Green Party?
I registered Green in 2010 in New York. I joined local organizing efforts and registered Green in Pennsylvania in 2018.
Which of the Green Party’s four pillars or Ten Key Values are you most passionate about?
I'm most passionate about Social Justice.
Briefly describe your professional and personal skills, interests, affiliations, experience, and education you have that might be relevant to the position you are applying for.
-Chair of Green Party of Allegheny County
-YES alternate delegate in 2019
-Green Party of PA national committee delegate
-Community organizer at a statewide environmental non profit.
Given the current state of the caucus, how do you intend to apply your skills to improve and expand it, based on the seat you are running for?
My skills are based in building momentum and bringing people on board. I hope to expand membership of YES and improve engagement by former members.
Do you already hold other roles within GPUS, your state party, or any other political organization? If so, will you be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work you are doing?
I think YES organizing can have a major impact on our party as a whole throughout the country. I am a local county chair and an NC member representing PA. Being an NC member doesn't involved too much effort. I regularly stress the importance of local organizing so I will be focusing on that as well. I think I can focus on both by helping to build YES chapters in my local area.
How can you help the caucus to engage its membership base and get our members plugged into caucus organizing work?
I think the key is having good team leaders, setting clear goals, and being accountable to them. I also stress the importance of 1 on 1 communications over mass messaging methods. We need to methodically reach out to our members to at least get them into the conversation if not also some simple organizing work.
ACCREDITATION & OUTREACH (1 committee chair)
Shannel Pittman
Why are you a member of the Green Party, and why did you join the Youth Caucus?
I'm a member of the Green party because once I weigh my personal goals for my country and the world against this platform itself, and factored in that the Green Party was had ballot access nationally and thus could stand a strong chance of becoming a large part of our federally elected government, it only made sense to be registered Green. If I had known about this Caucus when I got here...I can’t imagine how much more prepared I would have been, so I want to help provide that preparation for other people.
When did you become a member of the Green Party?
Like most of the people who ran Congressional campaigns in Los Angeles, I left the Democratic party in June of 2016. My signature was deemed invalid for reason so I wasn’t able to switch from NPP to Green online by the 25th of that month, I couldn’t get the needed postage to mail in a paper change of party until a few months later.
Which of the Green Party’s four pillars or Ten Key Values are you most passionate about?
I have had the most success in promoting the party with my favorite pillar: Social Justice. The California Green parties section expanding on this pillar speaks to everything I fight for as a person. Let’s be honest, the problem with the United States is that for centuries the country was ruled on the premise that justice was selective and many people were less than deserving of it. I believe that if we are able to firmly connect the rights stripped from our various connected communities with unjust system of capitalism or the oligarchical representation we have now, people would be in a better position to see how much further consistent unfearful votes for socialist parties such as the Green party can actually take them. Every issue that this country has today can be tied back to a miscarriage of justice for one people or another. I believe that a consistent, informed presence in the social justice movements of this country, relating this to the electoral system as well as our ten key values and four pillars, it will be easier for people to understand what the Green party stands for and why the Greens truly deserve their votes.
Briefly describe your professional and personal skills, interests, affiliations, experience, and education you have that might be relevant to the position you are applying for.
I am a former State organizer for Wolf PAC California, the group primarily responsible for getting California Prop 59 on the 2016 ballots. My duties in this role included helping the new volunteers learn what Wolf PAC’s plan for getting Citizen United overturned and how to interact with their California state legislative body, maintaining contact with them via email and phone, keeping track via a spreadsheet as well regularly scheduled conference calls weekly to get my fellow volunteers trained and ready to interact with state governments and how to track it all.
Given the current state of the caucus, how do you intend to apply your skills to improve and expand it, based on the seat you are running for?
If people coming in don’t have a task or something they can do that helps them feel involved in shaping this space they might lose interest or forget this place exists. So as per my stated task of being aware of our membership, I’m striving to make it easier for YES Caucus-mates in the same states are able to connect so they will be able form local YES groups that are tailored to the needs of the cities they came all spreading the Green Party message and making our goal as a party into tangible things that people can relate to and understand. To that end, my end of term goal is making sure the caucus has three points of contacts per committee in each state to facilitate mass coordinated actions in order to improve its productivity as well as support and show voters/communities the capability of the Green Party.
Do you already hold other roles within GPUS, your state party, or any other political organization? If so, will you be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work you are doing?
I am one of my state’s representatives to the Presidential Campaign Support Committee, my work there is passive admin contact stuff in the similar vein of things that I do as YES Outreach and Accreditation Committee chair now, contacting states and verifying information. While I am a member of a few other committees such as my state Coordinating Committee, that work has never interrupted my work in the Young Ecosocialist. Even so to prevent burnout and provide direction, I have been crafting training module documents lately so that the members of the committee I co chair will be able to help with some of this work with more synergy.
How can you help the caucus to engage its membership base and get our members plugged into caucus organizing work?
Currently, every new YES sign up, I check to see if there is an active party in in the new members area and send them an introductory email giving them a general understanding of what our Caucus is about and when possible what specific things they can be doing locally to be involved members of this party and this Caucus. My goal has always been to work with my Caucus-mates to ensure that “You’re too young to know what you are talking about” can always be disproven by our membership. The intersectional nature of our Party and this Caucus is critical to its growth and engagement as well, I have tried and will continue to be constant contact with every other Caucus the party has to try and make sure that every YES member is also properly routed to any other caucus or cause or action that that speaks to them. I know that we are a large group of many different voices, facilitating proper communication among those involved in this movement work will ensure ideas are being forged into something that ensures continued positive and productive growth for the Caucus and the Party.
EDUCATION (1 committee chair)
Noah Martin
Why are you a member of the Green Party, and why did you join the Youth Caucus?
I am a member of the Green Party because I think the social movements I am a part of need their own political voice and the Greens are the only organization in the US in a position to do that within an ecological lens.
When did you become a member of the Green Party?
Which of the Green Party’s four pillars or Ten Key Values are you most passionate about?
They're all tied together. I guess I am most passionate about Feminism and Gender Equality because they are fundamental to the others, such as community based economics.
Briefly describe your professional and personal skills, interests, affiliations, experience, and education you have that might be relevant to the position you are applying for.
I am a graduate of Oberlin College with a degree in Politics and Latin American Studies, which means I am in a pretty good position to deal with education on Latin America, including finding good guests. I've been associated with Just Housing, a houseless rights group in Olympia that has done sit-ins to end sweeps, win 24-hour bathroom access, etc. I have worked for Quaker Voice, a grassroots lobbying organization which gives me significant insight into how bourgeois politics function and a lot of background in Criminal Justice reform issues.
I've also been involved in Olympia Assembly, a revolutionary community attempting to establish dual power in the city of Olympia. I helped to found Tenants of the South Sound, a tenants union in the South Puget Sound region. My local Green Party has been key in winning several electoral actions as well as leading camp clean-ups, tree planting events, and collaborating in blocking fracking proppants through the Port of Olympia. I am a card-carrying member of the IWW, previously SEIU when I was working as a shelter counselor. Before that I ran an in-school mentoring program for at-risk youth. I read economics books for fun.
Given the current state of the caucus, how do you intend to apply your skills to improve and expand it, based on the seat you are running for?
My goal is to have things that are promotable and that our members are interested enough in to share with their friends. That means getting compelling guests and topics, and focusing on practical organizing skills first and foremost. We need to train organizers, and time with our guests should be focused on that. I also hope to do a weekly reading group. I know, everyone does reading groups, but we must work on establishing a more cohesive vision as an organization in order to maximize our effectiveness as a collective, and that starts with YES's education program.
Do you already hold other roles within GPUS, your state party, or any other political organization? If so, will you be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work you are doing?
I am currently the National Committee delegate for the Green Party of Washington, though my term comes to an end next month. I also am the delegate to my state coordinating committee but plan to step down if I am elected to this position. I think I will be able to prioritize well given enough advance planning.
How can you help the caucus to engage its membership base and get our members plugged into caucus organizing work?
I would like as much input as possible in crafting our education program, and I will actively recruit people to help us put together something that is comprehensive and interesting to our membership.
Reece Evans
Why are you a member of the Green Party, and why did you join the youth caucus?
I am a member of the Green Party because it's the only political party that represents workers and oppressed peoples in this nation that is in a position to bring awareness to the failures and devastation caused by capitalism-imperialism. The Democratic-Republican parties represent the interests of the ruling class not the needs of the people and our planet. The two capitalist parties are united in maintaining US domination of the world and the exploitation/oppression of the system. We need to build a revolutionary movement to overthrow this system and bring radical solutions to the table.
When did you become a member of the Green Party?
I first registered Green in 2016 and voted for the Jill Stein/Ajamu Baraka campaign in my home state of Indiana. This was the first time that I was eligible to participate in a national election. I became more involved with Green Party organizing when I joined the Howie Hawkins presidential campaign in 2019. I registered with the Pima County Greens in Arizona while I was there working as a paid staff member collecting signatures for ballot access. After my return to Los Angeles I became a registered member of the California Green Party. In short, I’ve been a supporter of the Green Party since 2016 and an official active member of the party since 2019.
Which of the Green Party’s four pillars or Ten Key Values are you most passionate about?
Social Justice
Briefly describe your professional and personal skills, interests, affiliations, experience, and education you have that might be relevant to the position you are applying for.
I have organizing experience that I’ve gained working throughout all the various political and economic movements that challenge the status quo of the US white supremacist, colonial-capitalist system. I was formerly an organizer with Workers World Party and was a contributor/member of the editorial staff for their news publication Workers World. I have also since been a contributor for For a period of time I was also the producer and co-host of the Struggle for Socialism podcast featured on Radio Justice LA. By learning from the comrades in these organizations I’ve developed significantly my understanding of history, the movement, revolutionary theory, and how we can put these theories into practice. As education chair I would ensure that we have even political development throughout the various areas that we operate in and that we have basic principles of unity that we are united behind. My goal is that new members coming into our party and the youth caucus have the tools that they need to be able to effectively organize and advance our cause. I am an abolitionist, anti-colonial, revolutionary socialist and these are the principles that guide the work that I’m involved in. Grounding our cadre in revolutionary theory is necessary to build a stronger, unified, EcoSocialist party that can smash capitalism-imperialism along with all the forms of domination/oppression that exist within this system including racism/white supremacy, sexism/gender oppression, anti-LGBTQ2S bigotry, ableism, anti-im/migrant bigotry, etc..
Given the current state of the caucus, how do you intend to apply your skills to improve and expand it, based on the seat you are running for?
The ideas that I plan to bring to the education committee include creating a standard educational program for all the new members joining our caucus nationwide. Through classes, videos, educational workshops, packets, and other resources they will be able to have a more developed understanding of our platform and the tasks necessary to create an ecologically centered world that puts the needs of the people before profits. The more members are engaged with YES organizing the more likely they are to stay and help build the party. We need to focus on creating strong local chapters in the key areas where having membership would be the most useful. This would allow us to implement local study groups, regional schools/retreats and give us a better foundation to organize our own national conferences. It is the duty of all of our members to better understand the history of struggle and how we can apply revolutionary socialist theory under the conditions of today in order to agitate and push forward the movement. It’s important that we continue to have anti-oppression training as well as develop these trainings in a more centralized and unified way so that our membership body as a whole can better understand the way the system divides and targets the diverse working class that we are a part of. It's vital that the most oppressed are centered in our struggles in order for all of us to reach liberation. Our goal should be to strategically push the Green Party to be a larger voice for anti-imperialist, anti-colonial, and intersectional socialist organizing that goes far beyond the realm of electoral politics. We should focus on developing and publicizing our own political analysis on our media platforms and website. We have to focus on creating our own agit-prop that we can take to the streets and organize the masses that are seeking a solution to the current crisis created by capitalism-imperialism. To reach our highest organizing potential it's imperative that all members of the education committee as well as the various other committees are in constant communication with each other, strategizing our next steps to build the Young EcoSocialists as a caucus and the Green Party as a whole. Having adequately trained and educated cadre in my view is the most crucial step towards having a party that can challenge the ruling class. We’re at a crossroads where we only have two options, EcoSocialism or Death. Yes, we have a lot of work that needs to be done but there is no other alternative.
Do you already hold other roles within GPUS, your state party, or any other political organization? If so, will you be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work you are doing?
No, I do not hold any other current roles within the Green Party or any other organization at this time.
How can you help the caucus to engage its membership base and get our members plugged into caucus organizing work?
I think that the key to engaging the membership and getting them involved is to first make sure they are equipped with the theoretical and practical knowledge they need to strengthen their on the ground organizing. To make caucus organizing work rewardable by ensuring the energy we put into the organization produces tangible results. We have to create obtainable goals that we can reasonably meet. These will be goals that will in turn push us towards reaching the larger goals that we wish to accomplish. Making sure that we have a healthy balance in regards to membership and collective party work. What I mean by this is making sure that it’s not only a handful of people doing all the work in the caucus. Developing successful ways to recruit membership and find how they can best relate to our organizing efforts and use their talents/skills. Our educational programs that we will put into place will help us to determine these things as well as the communication strategies we will develop.
What is the level of time commitment you are able to offer to this position?
I would be able to commit to an average of 14-21 hours within the week towards various party building activities. I have a full time job, however even when I’m not able to be physically somewhere working on something or on a call there's still other ways I’m able to brainstorm and focus my energy towards the educational aspect of the caucus. My mind is always geared towards revolution so this position would just be an extension of that. I would focus my time gathering resources/compiling materials into pdfs, power points, packets, binders etc. Part of my time would go towards organizing the Young EcoSocialist organizer calls and training. Networking with various members of the committee and caucus to see that our educational plans are being put into motion effectively and keping in close contact with the other members of the Steering Committee would also be top priorities.
FINANCE (1 committee chair)
Travis Christal
Why are you a member of the Green Party, and why did you join the Youth Caucus?
To oppose the duopoly. To be with the cool kids.
When did you become a member of the Green Party?
I voted for Cynthia McKinney, but didn't really do much with the party until 2015-2016 when I ran for Texas State House of Representatives.
Which of the Green Party’s four pillars or Ten Key Values are you most passionate about?
Feminism and gender equity
Briefly describe your professional and personal skills, interests, affiliations, experience, and education you have that might be relevant to the position you are applying for.
I'm a CPA with many years of experience in public accounting as an auditor, then corporate accounting, and now finance. I've been Treasurer of my county party (Tarrant County), I am now Treasurer of my state party (Texas), and am Treasurer for the front-runner to be the Green Party's nominee for President in 2020, the Ecosocialist H'20 campaign.
Given the current state of the caucus, how do you intend to apply your skills to improve and expand it, based on the seat you are running for?
I'll reach out to folks whose dues have lapsed.
Do you already hold other roles within GPUS, your state party, or any other political organization? If so, will you be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work you are doing?
Yes, I do. And no, YES will be prioritized lower than my work as H'20 and Green Party of Texas Treasurer. Just keepin' it real.
How can you help the caucus to engage its membership base and get our members plugged into caucus organizing work?
I dunno, but I will do the numbers correctly and transparently, and do good work with fundraising and finance stuff.
Kelly Kuzemchak
Why are you a member of the Green Party, and why did you join the Youth Caucus?
I have always been opposed to the two party system. I have always felt that the only way to collectively abandon that system as a nation is to have another viable party option (or more). Once I learned about the Green Party, I was so excited to see that there was already a party nation-wide (and international!) that shared my views on the environment, peace, and equality. I joined the Youth Caucus because young people are the future of our party, our nation, and the world. It is more important than ever to engage youths' interests and unite us to take action that will make a difference.
When did you become a member of the Green Party?
I joined in January of 2019. Before then, I attended local party meetings and served as treasurer for a local Green's campaign starting in mid-2018.
Which of the Green Party’s four pillars or Ten Key Values are you most passionate about?
I am most passionate about Grassroots Democracy. I believe that we must organize at a local level and recognize the strengths of our membership in order to succeed on a national level.
Briefly describe your professional and personal skills, interests, affiliations, experience, and education you have that might be relevant to the position you are applying for.
I have plenty of computer experience. I have a B.S. in Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science, which has given me experience in web development. I also have extensive experience using Excel and Google Sheets -- I use a spreadsheet for almost anything I do, from organizing pot-luck dinners to planning a vacation to Christmas shopping. Additionally, I have served as Treasurer for my local Green Party chapter and for three Green candidates throughout my state. I am familiar with tracking contributions and expenditures, fundraising, basic budgeting, and submitting campaign finance reports.
Given the current state of the caucus, how do you intend to apply your skills to improve and expand it, based on the seat you are running for?
Most importantly, I will ensure that accurate financial records are kept and membership/donor status is up to date. I will notify members of expiring dues, and I will create and promote fundraisers for the Youth Caucus. I would also like to improve the website by making it easy for sustaining members to view their current donation level, expiry of dues, and any established auto-pay method for dues.
Do you already hold other roles within GPUS, your state party, or any other political organization? If so, will you be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work you are doing?
I am currently treasurer (and thus financial chair) for my local county Green Party and one local candidate running in 2020, and I'm a delegate (i.e. voting member) to the Green Party of PA. I am a regional outreach coordinator for my region within PA. I help out on committees focused on outreach, infrastructure, and elections, but my main focus is on my county's finance committee. I will prioritize Youth Caucus work because I believe that one of the biggest benefits of having a strong national presence is the ability to reach young Greens who do not have a local party established. We can provide resources to help young Greens create local chapters and expand the Green Party Mission.
How can you help the caucus to engage its membership base and get our members plugged into caucus organizing work?
I will ensure that dues-paying members are always informed of any organizing efforts currently ongoing. I will also maintain a presence on Basecamp and via email so that I can stay in touch with young Greens nation-wide and stay in tune with the needs and interests of our membership. I will work with the chairs of other committees to make sure our efforts are aligned with each other and we are effectively working to accomplish common goals.
MEDIA (1 committee chair)
Nicholas Hahn
Why are you a member of the Green Party, and why did you join the Youth Caucus?
I've shown interest in the Green Party and the Young Ecosocialists for quite some time while I was a member of other left wing organizations, but I joined within the last year officially because I became excited with the growth and potential the Green Party and YES have in combating the Capitalist, oppressive two party system. YES and the Green Party embody the same values I hold dear to my own world view which is the total abolition of Capitalism in favor of an EcoSocialist society, free of all kinds of oppression including but not limited to Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Ageism, and Ableism.
When did you become a member of the Green Party?
I became a dues paying member of my state party only a month or so ago, but I have worked alongside the Green Party on various things in and outside of Philly including the May Day events in Philadelphia.
Which of the Green Party’s four pillars or Ten Key Values are you most passionate about?
The Ten Key Values I am most passionate about is the 3rd Key Value which is Ecological Wisdom. My entire life I have lived within a couple blocks of the second biggest oil refinery in the country, as well as being surrounded by industry that produce toxic waste and some of the highest rates of air pollution in the region. Coupled with that, in order to build the future that people deserve to live in, we must make combating the Climate Crisis as one of our top priorities if we are to succeed. Not only because it is good for the entire planet, but because waste and pollution effect working class communities and communities of Colonized people the most, we cannot create a just and equal society without addressing these very important issues.
Briefly describe your professional and personal skills, interests, affiliations, experience, and education you have that might be relevant to the position you are applying for.
I am very passionate about computers and networking which has given me an interest in the internet of things and studying how interactions on Social Media works and how it can effect public perception and outreach of different organizations. I've been active on various social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter for a long time and I have 7 years experience with running various kinds of social media pages both professional and for fun on both of those platforms. Currently I am one of the people running the Philly Socialists facebook page, and with the knowledge of various social media platforms in the past and present on how they work, I believe gives me the experience to grow and expand the social media reach of YES.
Given the current state of the caucus, how do you intend to apply your skills to improve and expand it, based on the seat you are running for?
I believe my skill set is mostly tied to social media, and I intend to use my prior experience as a way to grow the Social Media footprint of the Young EcoSocialists. We live in an unprecedented opportunity to grown and expand YES and the Green Party with the disillusioned youth tired of politics as usual, and those disaffected form the Bernie Sanders campaign after his announcement to endorse Joe Biden. I think social media is possibly the most important vector besides on the ground outreach to bring those people into the YES and the Green Party, as more and more young people are actively using social media and using it as a way to educate themselves on the organizations and parties available.
Do you already hold other roles within GPUS, your state party, or any other political organization? If so, will you be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work you are doing?
I do not hold any official titles in other political organizations including the GPUS. I do help with running the Philly Socialists facebook page, but that is not considered an official role per se, and since other people are also doing that I have no problems with prioritizing the YES over it.
How can you help the caucus to engage its membership base and get our members plugged into caucus organizing work?
I think getting our social media really active again is an important first step in energizing our membership base, and getting them into caucus organizing work, given just how big of a role social media has come to play in the everyday lives of younger people. In addition, helping local chapters get their social media accounts started and giving them the knowledge to be more interactive and grow provides an excellent vector of communication between local branches and their support base, if it wasn't for social media interaction I myself may have never found an organization to join when I first got started being politically active! Social Media is an important bridge between organizations and their base of support and I want to use that to engage our membership to get involved.
Lorne Stevenson Jr.
Why are you a member of the Green Party?
It is the only viable option. I believe that our current two party system controlled by the capitalist ruling class has destroyed our country and our world. It is up to us, the working class and oppressed peoples of the world, to dismantle US capitalism-imperialism and bring about liberation.
Why would you be good for the role you are running for?
I have experience as a theatre performer and playwright which has allowed me to develop various talents/skills that can be put to use in the caucus such as public speaking, media relations, writing skills, and content creation. My experiences as a Queer, Black, working class person facing the evils of capitalist exploitation, anti-LGBTQ2S bigotry, and racist oppression alongside my political understandings of how this system operates will allow me to be the strongest representative of our party, the youth caucus, and the communities we intend to reach.
What ideas do you have to bring to that position?
How we can use arts and entertainment to shift consciousness. The social media pages of the young ecosocialists/greens need to do more to catch the eye of the people we would like to reach as well as encourage more participation in the movement from those who we are already reaching. The posting is infrequent and quite honestly bland. Our instagram page for example needs to become a mini tv network. We should have traffic almost 24/7; content pertinent to our cause; should be released on the daily. IG tv is a useful tool; we can have daily news reports; original content; P.S.A's; polls; giveaways; announcements; we need to talk directly to the followers; call them to arms with each post. Educate them with weekly series on history and how it affects today. On our twitter; it cant just be a slew of retweets; anything we post must be a call to arms; we want people to join us and do something; we should post on our social media at the same time; mostly the same things; but exclusive content will be made especially for twitter; facebook, needs to be revived, we need to post content to you tube as well.-We need to draw attention to ourselves by speaking the language of the youth. Make them want to pay attention; we need to post things about art; life and how to take a stand; we need to have our presence known at events; we need to highlight artists; use what they create as weapons.
What is the level of time commitment you are able to offer to this position?
As a working class person and full time artist I have a lot of responsibilities that I must commit to, however the media committee will be a high priority of mine. I can say that during the pandemic; I can definitely commit to a minimum of an hour a day; posting content and developing new plans for social media going forward. Some days I will be able to put more energy into these efforts. Starting small; we should only post what we need to post. This needs to be strategic and not random quotes. If we post, it has to be for a reason; what do we want them to know; what are we trying to teach them; we need to be bringing things to their attention. Once the media committee becomes better organized we will be able to keep better track of who can create content and when they have it uploaded so that our pages function evenly throughout the course of high traffic times. We can create shifts for these postings and develop a better communicated network.
In conclusion,
It’s important that we have a unified voice representing the interests of working class and oppressed peoples. This is why I’m running for Media Committee chair. My experience, talents and skills will allow the Young EcoSocialists to create strategic tactics that will advance the struggle and build our party to be the revolutionary party that’s needed to overthrow capitalism-imperialism during this period of deepening economic and political crisis. I will do whatever is necessary to help build our party in order to achieve these goals for a better world regardless of the outcome of this election. I’m looking forward to working with all of you to build a revolutionary EcoSocialist party that can save our planet from the looming capitalist devastation threatening our very existence.
NATIONAL DELEGATE (2 delegates; 1 alternate [third-highest vote recipient])
Abby Thacker
Why are you a member of the Green Party, and why did you join the Youth Caucus?
We've reached a point in history where the choice is Socialism or Barbarism. I believe the GP is the strongest left party in the so-called US, and YES, through it's youth and progressivism within the Party, is the leading light of the revolutionary movement in this country.
When did you become a member of the Green Party?
July 2016
Which of the Green Party’s four pillars or Ten Key Values are you most passionate about?
Social Justice. We live in the richest country in the history of mankind, and it is the most unequal as well. From income inequality, to racism enshrined in law, to attacks on people for who they love, Social Justice should be the guiding force behind every one of us who fights for a better life, not just for ourselves, but for someone we don't know.
Briefly describe your professional and personal skills, interests, affiliations, experience, and education you have that might be relevant to the position you are applying for.
I am effective at finding the right people to work with, building coalitions with direct action groups, and building soft power to direct policy. I try to study everything I can, including my latest studies, a course on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics by Tsinghua University
Given the current state of the caucus, how do you intend to apply your skills to improve and expand it, based on the seat you are running for?
My goal is to push the whole party toward a truly progressive agenda through my status as a delegate. I'm not afraid to take on the often backwards National Committee, and have experience taking on the most conservative of them during the Sex Work Amendment debate. I will work to make YES the gold standard in left youth organizations not just through my influence in the National Committee, but at the local level as well.
Do you already hold other roles within GPUS, your state party, or any other political organization? If so, will you be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work you are doing?
I do -not- hold any other roles in the Party at all, nor do I hold any roles in other organizations.
How can you help the caucus to engage its membership base and get our members plugged into caucus organizing work?
I will use my experiences in roles across the levels of the party, from local to national, to advise members how to best do the work, and also use the knowledge gained from those experiences to seek solutions to problems old and new.
Hunter Crow
Why are you a member of the Green Party, and why did you join the Youth Caucus?
I believe The Green Party represents most closely to my political views on issues like health care, a healthy environment, campaign finance reform, corporate power, genetically modified foods, and others and when I became Member of the Green Party I was commitment to building an institution to fight for the world I want to believe in and do anything necessary to ensure that the green party puts an end to the current system that keeps hurting the environment and all of us who rely on it – and to build a better alternative. and I joined the Youth Caucus Because For too long, our government has been gambling away our futures, and shutting young people out of our democracy. But the politics of the past doesn't have to be the politics of the future and The Green Party wants to build a better, more positive future for everyone and in particular, young people. I want that future to be safer, happier, more equal and more secure and I believe getting involved the Youth Caucus is an excellent way to achieve this
When did you become a member of the Green Party?
I joined the Green Party around 2015
Which of the Green Party’s four pillars or Ten Key Values are you most passionate about?
The Ten Key Values of the Green Party were originally ratified at the Green Party convention in Denver, Colorado in June 2000. There is no authoritative version of the Ten Key Values. They are guiding principles that are adapted and defined to fit each state and local chapter.
Out of all the 10 Green Values the 10th value is the one I am most passionate about which is FUTURE FOCUS AND SUSTAINABILITY
I do truly believe that Our actions and policies should be motivated by long-term goals and seek to protect valuable natural resources, safely disposing of or "unmaking" all waste we create, while developing a sustainable economics that does not depend on continual expansion for survival. We also must counterbalance the drive for short-term profits by assuring that economic development, new technologies, and fiscal policies are responsible to future generations who will inherit the results of our actions.
Briefly describe your professional and personal skills, interests, affiliations, experience, and education you have that might be relevant to the position you are applying for. Given the current state of the caucus, how do you intend to apply your skills to improve and expand it, based on the seat you are running for?
I'm currently majoring in Information Technology Data Center Operations this particular program one of my academic program requirements does allow me to take quite a few information technology courses that requires Technical coursework that allowed me to gain experience in specialized areas in Information Technology. so I do have a lot of familiarity with computers and e-mail and I do have Familiarity with software programs such as a word processing program like MS Word, and a few layout programs so I am not sure how My information technology background could translate into the duties of a National Delegate but I am confident that my computer skills would be prove to be useful none the less and I would be able to my apply my skills to improve and expand it and use it to best of my ability
Do you already hold other roles within GPUS, your state party, or any other political organization? If so, will you be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work you are doing?
I currently sit on a Few GPUS Standing Committees and I currently Represent Texas on Both The GPUS Platform Committee and GPUS Presidential Campaign Support Committee and I am also the National Lavender Caucus Representative to the Green Pages Editorial Board and the Lavender Caucus PNC Delegate in addition besides my Current GPUS Standing Committee membership I do currently Serve as the Secretary for the Tarrant County Green Party. In my experience Serving on these various GPUS standing committee's as well as volunteering as for my local green party chapter gives me a well rounded prospective on how the Green Party operates including gaining experience in volunteer coordination and Strategic Planning and I will be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work since I am able to multitask and most of my current assignments in my current leadership positions in the green party doesn't overflow with tasks
How can you help the caucus to engage its membership base and get our members plugged into caucus organizing work?
I frequently have engaged in electoral politics and ran for local office a total of 4 times both for school board and City Council and on each and every occasion I have grown the Caucus by inspiring youth to get involved in Green Party as well as the Caucus and I am actually in the process of Setting up a Yes Chapter at Tarrant County College Southeast we already have a full time faculty sponsor that agreed to sponsor the YES chapter at TCC Southeast so I do have experience in outreach and recruiting and electoral organizing and a whole range of other skills that I have gained in my volunteer work with my local Green Party Chapter and as well as Serving on various GPUS Standing Committees and I am sure I can get our members plugged into caucus organizing work.
Thomas Murphy
Why are you a member of the Green Party, and why did you join the Youth Caucus?
There is one reason that stands before all others: Williams Partners energy company, in league with the state of Pennsylvania and the Federal government, built a natural gas pipeline through my home. Energy Transfer Partners built a pipeline through the land of the Dakota and Lakota nations. From Venezuela to Iran, the American Empire has created a fossil fuel leviathan, a beast so monstrous and violent that only a protracted campaign of full spectrum resistance will be able to end its virus-like existence. The Green Party is the only national organization capable of being molded into the organ of this resistance, but this can only be achieved through its transformation by a strong, unyieldingly socialist Youth caucus. We can seize our Party. We will challenge corporate duopoly in the state and national legislatures, but we will not let this stand in the way of social movements and direct action. We will be a Party of the peoples’ movements. We must look to Evo Morales’ Movement for Socialism, Lula and Rousseff’s Workers’ Party, and the Bolivarian and Cuban Revolutions as examples of American revolution which followed the vanguard of the colonized working class. The Empire has fought against the world revolution, the Green Party will build a true republic in its ashes.
When did you become a member of the Green Party?
The day I came of age to vote in 2017 was the same day I registered Green.
Which of the Green Party’s four pillars or Ten Key Values are you most passionate about?
I am typing this on Susquehannock and Lenape land occupied by the state of Pennsylvania. In trying to fight the invasion of hydrocarbon infrastructure, I learned the most important value in my own activism and organizing is patiently listening to comrades more oppressed than I, especially my native brothers and sisters on whose land I live. If we desire a society that can survive into the future, it is absolutely necessary to prioritize the voices of nations who have lived here for tens of thousands of years. My most cherished Key Value is Ecological Wisdom. A culture, whether human cells or a whole society, premised on infinite consumption of its host’s resources is a cancer. Yet our elite see as solutions only racist programs of population control or supplementing fossil fuels with renewable energy. We must reduce endless consumption, not the populations of the most vulnerable, and insist that every human being is sacred and worthy of living on this beautiful planet.
Briefly describe your professional and personal skills, interests, affiliations, experience, and education you have that might be relevant to the position you are applying for.
I am an undergraduate studying evolutionary and microbiology and looking forward to graduate school in these areas. I am hoping to become a public sector scientist and have already developed my talents in communicating science, especially as it regards the climate and environment, to people who haven’t enjoyed the privilege of my level of education. I have worked several jobs on the road to earning my degree, and have some experience organizing with student employees, graduate workers, and staff at my university for both union rights and protection during the COVID19 pandemic. As an activist, I have worked in a multitude of ways to protect my home from the hydrocarbon extraction infrastructure and I have experience in coalition building with progressives and conservatives alike for our shared environmental rights in my high school. In the 2016 Presidential campaign I was a local fellow and organizer before I left the Democratic Party in disgust, but from this experience I canvassed hundreds of doors and can hold productive conversations with the bluest of Democrats and the angriest Trump supporters. I will apply my communicative, organizing and activist skills to be a faithful, effective delegate for our caucus, and as our delegate will unyieldingly represent our values as young ecosocialists.
Given the current state of the caucus, how do you intend to apply your skills to improve and expand it, based on the seat you are running for?
First and foremost I believe the lifeblood of the Greens and any socialist party is unifying the organic leaders of social movements under our organizational banner. Since joining the Green Party I have worked to convince people in my community and school to join the Greens, most of them young people. In this election cycle I have become very active in my state party and hope to use my time during the pandemic to reach out to movements for peace, the climate, racial and sexual justice on behalf of our caucus and our Party. Most importantly I will grow our caucus by standing by our deepest values. As a Lavender caucus member, I can promise that I will NEVER allow party unity, short-term electoral ploys, or plain ignorance to threaten our commitment to trans rights and sex workers’ rights, especially when this disgusting capitulation to hetero-cis-normativity and the morality of Puritanism threatens the lives of our people. I will use every tool, every word, and every action in the national party to defend our values and make the Greens the flagship of the progressive movement.
Do you already hold other roles within GPUS, your state party, or any other political organization? If so, will you be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work you are doing?
I am an active member of my state party, local chapter, and the Lavender Caucus, but since I do not hold offices in these groups, I can devote my full time and energy to representing and organizing for the Youth Caucus.
How can you help the caucus to engage its membership base and get our members plugged into caucus organizing work?
I am looking forward, following the pandemic, to forming a YES chapter at my university and the community in which it exists. I believe the best way to keep our members plugged in is to commit ourselves to expansion through organizing. I will work with our members to create state by state and city by city plans for engaging in pre-existing social movements with an eye to what our Party can do for these movements to build electoral support and work with their leaders to demonstrate the Green Party’s potential for a national realignment in the 21st Century. The Greens are the party of the people and that means going to where the people are at, listening to their needs with respect and reflection, and afterwards finding ways our party can serve their communities. We must lead through service.
Matthew James Skolar
Why are you a member of the Green Party, and why did you join the Youth Caucus?
I am a member of the Green Party because, there is no more time to wait. I can't stand idle as the world around me falls apart because of evils primarily at the fault of US interference in global affairs. I will stand up as a Green, if it takes arguing the Democrats, and the Republicans, and every corporate donor in between. I'm ready for a war on endless wars. I'm ready for a plan to protect our planet (a real, comprehensive plan that includes ending US Imperialism I may add). I'm ready for money to go to jobs and education, not for wars and occupations. I'm ready for healthcare and reparations, to fight corporate political duopoly and still existing segregation.
I joined the youth caucus, because I'm young, but I am young and ready to lead.
When did you become a member of the Green Party?
Arguably, I was involved with Green Party Organizing since 2018. I did officially join the Green Party of New Jersey in February 2020 though.
Which of the Green Party’s four pillars or Ten Key Values are you most passionate about?
Social Justice. None of the other pillars can exist without social justice. If black people aren't free; if indigenous people don't get reparations and land protection; if immigrants aren't welcome here; if poor people aren't housed and given real, tangible opportunities; if LGBTQIAP+ people are seen as a joke; if the US cannot acknowledge war crimes, how can we expect truly meaningful environmentalism or functioning democracy?
Briefly describe your professional and personal skills, interests, affiliations, experience, and education you have that might be relevant to the position you are applying for.
Outreach Coordinator; Hoffman for Senate
- Through this role I have been responsible for developing the website of, making graphics for, maintaining social media presences for, and creating relationships with activists and community organizations across the state of New Jersey for the Hoffman for Senate 2020 Campaign
Co-Founder/Candidate for Chair; YES Caucus New Jersey
- We are a young caucus. We really got off the ground in March, but we're already approaching 30 members from diverse backgrounds in varied geographic locations all across New Jersey. Already, we have organized virtual actions (because of COVID) with my caucus including calls for the governor to cancel rent, emails to Senator Booker to support a real, comprehensive Green New Deal or hear from us at the ballot box, two successful virtual meetings, and electronic ballot petition gathering for New Jersey's US Senate Candidate, Madelyn Hoffman.
Director of Research; Youth Over Guns
- Preventing gun violence the revolutionary route. Check us out. Gun violence is a social justice issue. We need to address it as such by empowering and uplifting youth (especially youth of color) from marginalized communities to bring about holistic solutions to gun violence. That means addressing the causes of it... not exclusively the weapons used. My role was designed for researching policy, and finding critical data supporting the causes of gun violence so that way we could properly address gun violence in our communities.
Youth Power Project Member; Make the Road New Jersey
- A watered down $15 an hour minimum wage bill certainly is not enough (especially when it should realistically be more like $22 in a state like NJ... at least), but we got something by fighting for it. Originally, crummy Democratic lawmakers wanted to exclude teen workers from the minimum wage bill. Because of our lobbying power and information campaigns though, we scared law makers enough to include youth in their bill (regardless of how awful it still ended up being).
Given the current state of the caucus, how do you intend to apply your skills to improve and expand it, based on the seat you are running for?
I have experience dealing with political machines, corrupt bureaucracies, and then getting in their faces. The Green Party isn't perfect. We know that. At the GNC, youth have concerns that aren't always heard. I promise they will be heard when I am serving on the committee, because I already have had to stand up for my peers and for my beliefs through my activism. In terms of improving and expanding it, I will demand that the GNC prioritize us more. GPNJ has successfully prioritized and highlighted youth activism because of the power of our NJ YES caucus. Now is the time to do this nationally, and mobilize a new generation of Young Greens.
Do you already hold other roles within GPUS, your state party, or any other political organization? If so, will you be able to prioritize Youth Caucus work over other work you are doing?
I do not hold any Green Party positions currently at this time other than a campaign position for Madelyn Hoffman. Prioritizing the Youth Caucus wont need to be a concern because it will be integrated into the work I am already doing with Madelyn. I got Madelyn to publicly support lowering the voting age to 16, promote YES Caucus on her pages, and hold discussions with youth... not to mention she entrusted a 17 year old she only really knew at the time through social media with a senior campaign position. In terms of other activism, given that it is youth centered activism, it just as equally folds into my would be responsibility as a National Committee Delegate.
How can you help the caucus to engage its membership base and get our members plugged into caucus organizing work?
I think engaging membership starts with proving that there is room for our issues in the Green Party. When the GNC embraces our proposals and prioritizes our growth, our members will want to be more involved because being a YES Caucus member will be something worth doing. It will be rewarding, and also empowering.