The Youth Caucus recently held a caucus-wide by-laws vote on two proposals.
The caucus agreed to restructure the Steering Committee around standing committees -- including Media, Finance, Outreach, and Education.
The caucus also agreed to change it's national name from Young Greens to Young Ecosocialists and will work towards implementing this in the coming months. The official name still remains the "Youth Caucus."
Total Votes Cast: 63
PROPOSAL 1 - On caucus restructure
Text found here:
Round 1
Yes - 61
No - 1
Abstain - 1
By-laws proposal passes with 97% in favor.
PROPOSAL 2 - On name change work group and ranked choice vote on name preference
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Round 1
Young Eco-Socialists (YES) - 24
Young Greens US (YGUS) - 21
Young Green Socialists (YGS) - 14
Green-Left Youth (GLY) - 2
Write-In - 1
Abstain - 1
(Abstain cannot be eliminated.)
Write-in vote is re-allocated to Abstain based on individual rankings.
Round 2
YES - 24
YGUS - 21
YGS - 14
GLY - 2
Abstain - 2
Next, GLY is eliminated. Both of these 2 votes are re-allocated to YGS based on individual rankings.
Round 3
YES - 24
YGUS - 21
YGS - 16
Abstain - 2
Next, YGS is eliminated. These 16 votes are re-allocated to YES (6 votes), YGUS (8 votes), 2 Abstain (2 votes) based on individual rankings.
Round 4
YES - 30
YGUS - 29
Abstain - 4
YGUS is eliminated. These 29 votes are re-allocated to YES (17 votes) and Abstain (12 votes) based on individual rankings.
Round 5
YES - 47 = 75%
Abstain 16 = 25%
By-laws proposal passes with 75% of the vote with “Young Eco-Socialists” having won the name preference ranked choice vote.