
From Thursday, May 24 to Saturday, May 26 at 11:59pm Eastern, the Youth Caucus will be having a special election on two items.

While caucus-wide votes are typically at least one week, internal rules allow the Steering Committee to run a 3-day vote in pressing situations. Because of the upcoming nature of the California primary, the SC has chosen to use the 3-day vote. 

1. Endorsement in the California Secretary of State Primary

2. By-Laws Changes

Both require a 60% threshold of those voting to pass. 

1. Endorsement in the California Secretary of State Primary

Young Green Erik Rydberg has sought the endorsement of the caucus. However, there is another Green, Mike Feinstein, running for CA Secretary of State as well. Per the by-laws, the caucus must decide with 60% approval to endorse a candidate in an election where Greens are competing against one another in a primary. 

Go here to see their endorsement questionnaires. 

2. By-Laws Changes

Due to some recent circumstances within the caucus, the Steering Committee is putting forth a by-laws change that updates several aspects of the by-laws for clarity and to prevent tampering. It also ties the member proposal thresholds to the amount of members we have as the caucus grows. 

Go here to see the by-laws changes in full.

To vote, please ensure you have paid your dues at

Then, copy and paste the ballot below, mark your selections, and email to [email protected]



(Email this to [email protected])



0. Have you paid your caucus dues (either $5 in the past 6 months or $10 in the past year):

___ Yes

___ No

___ I'm not sure. Let me know and I will, if not. 


1. Endorsement in the California Secretary of State Primary

Please, rank your choices using numbers.

I would like the Youth Caucus to endorse:

___ Erik Rydberg

___ Mike Feinstein

___ Write-In: ___________

___ NOTA


2. By-Laws Changes

I would like the caucus to pass these by-laws amendments.

__ Yes

__ No


Then, copy and paste the ballot below, mark your selections, and email to [email protected].

Do this before 11:59pm Eastern on Saturday, May 26.




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