If you are a Young Ecosocialist thinker, writer, or journalist, please reach out with your content to [email protected].

Job Board

The Youth Caucus SC is excited to announce the creation of a caucus "Job Board." 

Found on our internal organizing software, Basecamp, it lists over 30 specific positions we are looking to be filled. And already 5 have been filled within a few days! Jobs range from support with electoral campaigns to text banking outreach for our education calls, putting together a list of radical resources fo Young Ecosocialists to writing fundraising emails. 

To check out the job board, hop on Basecamp.

If you aren't on Basecamp, pay your caucus dues here and we will add you!

By-Laws Election Results

The Youth Caucus recently held a caucus-wide by-laws vote on two proposals. 

The caucus agreed to restructure the Steering Committee around standing committees --  including Media, Finance, Outreach, and Education. 

The caucus also agreed to change it's national name from Young Greens to Young Ecosocialists and will work towards implementing this in the coming months. The official name still remains the "Youth Caucus."

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New Steering Committee Officers Elected 08/17

Please join us in extending our congratulations to those who were recently elected: 

Alison Bittick, co-chair

Brendan Phillips, co-chair

Aadam Hammond, co-chair

Eric Graf, co-chair

Steph Wild, treasurer

Tahirih Osborne, delegate

Michael Dennis, delegate

Check out their bios at ygus.org/steeringcommittee

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New Steering Committee Officers Elected

Please join us in extending our congratulations to those who were recently elected: 

Jacob Falzone, co-chair
Mary Jane Oviatt, co-chair
Brian Tholl, co-chair
Damian Gonzales, secretary
Zack Looney, alternate delegate

Check out their bios at ygus.org/steeringcommittee

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Young Greens Support Sex Work Decriminalization

The Youth Caucus Steering Committee voted to support efforts underway in multiple states and caucuses to add a sex work decriminalization amendment to the Green Party US platform. The next cycle of platform amendments will be considered in 2018, though submission of amendments will begin within a few months.

We encourage all Young Greens to engage your local and state parties on this topic, and when specific language arises, to sign on as co-sponsors to the amendment.

Currently, we are signing onto the amendment originally coming out of the Illinois Green Party, though will be suggesting some small edits before it is submitted to the GPUS Platform Committee. 

Membership Dues Set at $10

Based on feedback from Young Greens organizers across the country and looking at student union dues models elsewhere in North America, the Youth Caucus Steering Committee has set the annual dues at $10. For many of those on college campuses, you can think of it as $5 a semester. Several of our campus chapters have already indicated that they will collectively raise this money for their campus members.

Dues is a model used in unions (including student unions) and elsewhere on the Left to encourage member investment in an organization and a funding model separate from corporate or PAC donors.

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Nominations for Steering Committee Elections

We are now accepting self-nominations for certain open Young Green Steering Committee positions. 

Open positions up for election at this time:
--2 Co-Chair positions
--1 Secretary position
--1 Alternate Delegate to the National Committee position

Please find out more about each of these positions in the by-laws (linked above) and then fill out the nomination form by 12am Eastern on Saturday April 15th. The nomination form can be found here: ygus.org/nomination

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Green Party Annual Meeting: Newark, NJ!

Newark, New Jersey was recently selected as the site of the Green Party's annual national meeting to be held from July 13-16. Please mark this on your calendar and follow updates on the Facebook event page.

GPUS Youth Caucus Statement on the IIYC & the NO DAPL Movement

The water protectors at Standing Rock mobilized their community and supporters around the world, raising consciousness around the need to protect Mother Earth. Not surprisingly, the Standing Rock protests were initially sparked by indigenous youth, who have since organized the International Indigenous Youth Council (IIYC). The IIYC inspires youth to take action in their communities to protect the land, water, and treaty rights, to act locally to overturn any and all social and spiritual injustices. They were formed in response to the call of Youth from the Sacred Stone Camp for resistance against the Dakota Access Pipeline, and are made up of indigenous youth from all nations, tribes, and races.

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New By-Laws Pass

The proposed changes to the Young Greens by-laws have passed.

Ultimately, the vote was 32 YEA vs 4 NAY.
41 people voted.

Four people voted but indicated they were not eligible to vote (either by not being signed up on our website, not being of age, or not being a state party member). Those votes were 2 YEA vs 1 NAY vs 1 ABSTAIN.

One person voted YEA but after the 12:00pm EST deadline on Friday, February 17.


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