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YGUS Steering Committee Unanimously Rejects Capitalism; Endorses Economic Democracy Amendment To GPUS Platform

The Youth Caucus Steering Committee has unanimously endorsed a proposed amendment to the GPUS platform that rejects capitalism in favor of more sustainable, just, and democratic economic models, and also calls on all Young Greens to lobby their state’s National Committee members to vote to pass the amendment.

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European & US Young Greens: Stop the toxic TTIP deal!

The 12th round of negotiations of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) has concluded in Brussels and unfortunately, they remain to be more of the same thing, deals for business at the cost of citizens. We, the Federation of Young European Greens and the Young Greens of the US, demand an immediate halt to the negotiations.

“TTIP, like the Trans Pacific Partnership, is another attack on democracy, environmental protection, and working conditions by global corporate elites. And that’s why on both sides of the Atlantic, social movements are fighting to stop these so-called trade ‘agreements’ that would transfer power from elected governments to multinational corporations,” says Ursula Rozum, co-chair of the Young Green of the US.

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