2020 Caucus Elections

Nominations for the 2020 YES Caucus Steering Committee will be open through April 28 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. Voting will take place between Friday May 1  through Sunday, May 3 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.

If you are a dues-paying member before May 1, when voting opens you will receive an e-mail with voting instructions.

Email your nomination form to [email protected] -- see yesgp.org/election for more info.

To become a member of the caucus, can pay annual dues at https://www.yesgp.org/donate.
Or, become a monthly sustaining donor at https://www.yesgp.org/sustain

We will be electing the following positions through their 2021 terms:

Co-Chair (Two seats): The co-chairs oversee the overall basic function of the caucus. Plan and organize regular SC calls. Communicate effectively with Committee Chairs and assure their committee functionality.  

Accreditation and Outreach Committee (AccCom) chair shall be responsible for the continual tracking of our membership and chapters, overseeing the integrity of the caucus archival structure–which includes documents, facilitating new member and chapter intake, and other duties as determined by the steering committee co-chairs.

Education & Member Support Committee (EduCom) chair shall be responsible for managing our organizer call series, conducting other forms of political education, and training members in critical skills such as facilitation or anti-oppression training. Create and provide YES training materials and member education programs. Create resource packs and other various educational materials.

Financial Committee Chair : Oversees YES treasury and finances. Tracks all dues-paying members and expiry. Sends regular reminders to those whose dues are expiring. Manages all fundraising and is creative with fundraising ideas. Constructs the annual budget and assures its adherence.

Media Committee (MediaCom) chair shall be responsible for writing press releases and managing the caucuses social media. An effort shall also be made to be made in assisting local chapters in getting their social media off of the ground.

National Committee Delegate (Two seats and alternate): Represents YES on the GPUS National Committee, the main decision making body of the GPUS. Researches, discusses, and votes on various proposals including platform amendments, Steering Committee elections, budget, and endorsements. Assures votes recorded represent the views and desires of YES membership. Works with other delegates to craft GPUS proposals and platform amendments. [Alternate spot granted to person with 3rd-most votes.


To nominate yourself, please email [email protected] before 11:59pm Pacific on April 28, 2020 with the following information.




Position running for:

Are you a member of your state Green Party: Y/N

Are you a dues paying member of the Youth Caucus: Y/N

And the following questionnaire which will be posted before voting

Why are you a member of the Green Party?

Why would you be good for the role you are running for?

What ideas do you have to bring to that position?

What is the level of time commitment you are able to offer to this position?


To become a member of the caucus, can pay annual dues at https://www.yesgp.org/donate. Or, become a monthly sustaining donor at https://www.yesgp.org/sustain



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