Campus Organizing
Students and youth are literally our future. Young Greens will help building a larger Green Party and more just future in our country. Campus organizing is needed to spread that message. By starting a chapter of Young Greens, organizing and engaging in direct actions in person and online, dialoguing with other college groups who have overlapping interests, you can get the word out to other students and youth.
If you haven’t already, sign up for the Youth Caucus at
📚 Steps to Organize Your Young Greens Chapter
1. Recruit and Register
Fill out the initial campus chapter application online!
2. Get Campus Recognition and Funding
There are benefits to being an official student organization including use of campus spaces, bulletins, and often student activities funding. Official campus recognition may also allow you to participate in student activities fairs and give you great ability to post flyers and have events on campus. It also signals that your group is here to stay to build the revolution even after Election Day. Because campuses often recognize clubs for political parties but not candidates, you should title your group [Your Campus Name] Young Greens chapter.
You can often find information on how to become an official campus group on the student activities page of your school. Sometimes they may require documents like By-Laws or Constitution. Even if not, it can be a good idea to have a basis for how your group functions, especially as it expands way beyond 3 persons! You can use our Example Young Greens Chapter By-laws and Example Young Greens Chapter Consitution and simply plug in the name of your school. If you receive official recognition by your school or have questions on Constition/By-Laws, email [email protected] to let the Green Party’s Youth Caucus know!
Note: While we understand it may be a bureaucratic process, we expect chapters to seek official recognition once when they have their footing, if possible at your school for political clubs. We require this because of this can often be of benefit by allowing access to campus spaces and potential student activity money.
3. Organize and Hold Events
Spread the word on campus to gain more members and to begin to promote the values of the Green Party. Use the Campus Organizing Guide 101 to learn the basics. Check out the Organizing Hub for other ideas on things that your chapter can do such as phonebanking parties or flyering.
4. Connect with Other Young Greens on Social Media
It can be helpful to see what other Young Greens are doing nationwide. Check out the Youth Caucus Facebook Page, Youth Caucus Facebook Group, Youth Caucus Twitter. You may also want to connect with your state and local coordinator by finding your state information here.
We also have the following and other designated volunteer opportunities:
Young Greens Regional Assistant Coordinator
Location: Anywhere
Description: Young Greens Regional Leads will work with the Green Party’s Youth Caucus Steering Committee designated for a region of the country to reach out to new people interested in starting chapters of Young Greens, provide support while chapters are getting started, and facilitate communication amongst chapter leaders. Time commitment at least 5 hours each week preferred.
How to apply: Send email [email protected], if interested.