Young EcoSocialists
We are the official Youth Caucus of the Green Party US.
As a party that advocates for social justice issues, the Green Party offers youth an avenue to be represented and participate in electoral politics, in movement spaces, and in grassroots organizing work.
We are part of a Global Green movement that is establishing a comprehensive replacement of the typical “business as usual” party politics. Young EcoSocialists serve the needs of youth voters and are consistently forming new chapters, on university/college campuses and city-wide local organizations. Young EcoSocialists are committed to positive politics and effective political activism.
The marginalization of youth in the U.S. political process, including the electoral process, and within social movements, has long existed in the United States. Furthermore, youth are always the spark of systemic change in society, and thus always repressed by older more conservative (more socialized) people and groups, always dis-empowered by the legal system and in the wider culture due to adultism.
As part of our core identity, Young EcoSocialists underline our position and interpretation of the Green Party's Platform as anti-capitalist, intersectional/anti-oppression, anti-colonialist, and politically independent from the corporate parties and from other forms of corporate influence.
Membership is open to all Greens under the age of 35.
Select Updates from the Youth Caucus
Written by: Daniel Bumbarger, Noah Martin, Charlie McVicker, Shannel Pittman, Josh Lorenzo, Manuel Lopez, Avery Seal
The Young Ecosocialists condemn the actions that took place at the Capitol Building today, both those taken by protesters and by a complicit police force. Having clearly lost the election, President Trump has continued to embolden white supremacists, fascists, and other far-right radicals. This is nothing new for President Trump. He has a long pattern of embracing his fascist followers with comments of “very fine people on both sides” after the white supremacist Unite The Right Rally in 2017. He has repeatedly encouraged violence and failed to condemn these groups, famously telling the Proud Boys to “Stand back and stand by” in the first presidential debate of 2020. This behavior has predictably incited right wing violence all across the country.
The Young Ecosocialists Caucus (YES) of the Green Party of the United States (GPUS) gives our support to Intersex Day of Solidarity, also known as Intersex Day Of Remembrance, and we ask the entire GPUS to join us in this support. This event fits with the Pillars, Values and Platform shared by both the GPUS and the YES. In addition to respect for diversity, respect for feminism, respect for gender self-determination and social/economic justice, these include reproductive rights. These include the rights of pregnant people to carry intersex fetuses without interference by anti-intersex medical professionals. These include the rights of intersex babies and children to be protected from unnecessary genital surgeries which amount to forced sterilization of minority children. These include the rights of all intersex people to bodily autonomy and fully informed choice in medical decisions about their bodies.
The votes are in! Thank you to everyone who participated.
Final Tally: 73 votes
Dario Hunter: 7
David Rolde: 0
Howie Hawkins: 51
No Nominee: 0
Uncommitted: 0
Write-In: 15
--Jesse Ventura: 15
*See below for details on ballot validation and delegate allocation.
The Youth Caucus recognizes the importance of Proposal 835 passed in 2016 to amend the GPUS Platform, which definitively laid out the party's opposition to capitalism.
It has been four years since the Youth Caucus SC put out its unanimous endorsement of the proposal, which was authored by one of its members. That statement asked Young Greens across the country to lobby their National Committee delegates. We are proud that this endorsement and call to action helped spark the momentum which ultimately helped 835 pass the National Committee with over 70% support.
You can find the original statement re-posted below.
The Youth Caucus SC is excited to announce the creation of a caucus "Job Board."
Found on our internal organizing software, Basecamp, it lists over 30 specific positions we are looking to be filled. And already 5 have been filled within a few days! Jobs range from support with electoral campaigns to text banking outreach for our education calls, putting together a list of radical resources fo Young Ecosocialists to writing fundraising emails.
To check out the job board, hop on Basecamp.
If you aren't on Basecamp, pay your caucus dues here and we will add you!
The Youth Caucus Steering Committee voted to support efforts underway in multiple states and caucuses to add a sex work decriminalization amendment to the Green Party US platform. The next cycle of platform amendments will be considered in 2018, though submission of amendments will begin within a few months.
We encourage all Young Greens to engage your local and state parties on this topic, and when specific language arises, to sign on as co-sponsors to the amendment.
Currently, we are signing onto the amendment originally coming out of the Illinois Green Party, though will be suggesting some small edits before it is submitted to the GPUS Platform Committee.