Jan 2018 By-Laws Results

Total Votes Cast: 63

PROPOSAL 1 - On caucus restructure

Round 1
Yes - 61
No - 1
Abstain - 1

By-laws proposal passes with 97% in favor.

PROPOSAL 2 - On name change work group and ranked choice vote on name preference

Round 1
Young Eco-Socialists (YES) - 24
Young Greens US (YGUS) - 21
Young Green Socialists (YGS) - 14
Green-Left Youth (GLY) - 2
Write-In - 1
Abstain - 1

(Abstain cannot be eliminated.)

Write-in vote is re-allocated to Abstain based on individual rankings.

Round 2
YES - 24
YGUS - 21
YGS - 14
GLY - 2
Abstain - 2

Next, GLY is eliminated. Both of these 2 votes are re-allocated to YGS based on individual rankings.

Round 3
YES - 24
YGUS - 21
YGS - 16
Abstain - 2

Next, YGS is eliminated. These 16 votes are re-allocated to YES (6 votes), YGUS (8 votes), 2 Abstain (2 votes) based on individual rankings.

Round 4
YES - 30
YGUS - 29
Abstain - 4

YGUS is eliminated. These 29 votes are re-allocated to YES (17 votes) and Abstain (12 votes) based on individual rankings.

Round 5
YES - 47 = 75%
Abstain 16 = 25%

By-laws proposal passes with 75% of the vote with “Young Eco-Socialists” having won the name preference ranked choice vote.

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